Wild Westhampton

…nature in the Hamptons…

Posts Tagged ‘farm

The Kinkajou in the Cage (Part II)

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No, the camera is not upside down (neither is the photo). This ferocious beast is hanging upside down on the top of her chain link cage by the claws on her feet.

The Kinkajou in the Cage (Part II)
18 September 2007
Long Island Game Farm, Manorville, NY

The Lemur with a Stick

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Shot through a chain link fence (hence the strange patterned bokeh), this guy was brandishing his stick, as though to conduct the rest of his clan in song.

The Lemur with a Stick
18 September 2007
Long Island Game Farm, Manorville, NY

Gerry the Giraffe

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Gerry the giraffe is a long time resident of the Long Island Game Farm. We’ll overlook that he’s a summer person giraffe, and hope that his hoof has recovered sufficiently for him to return this year (last year he had to summer at his winter residence in Tennessee, I believe).

I like to think that his expression in this photograph is his way of asking me, “Isn’t a hundred pictures enough?”

Gerry the Giraffe
18 September 2007
Long Island Game Farm, Manorville, NY

The Kinkajou in the Cage

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This poor creature. It gets all the fruits it wants but it gets woken up by its keepers at feeding time so that people like me can gawk at it through a lens a mile long through a chain link cage.

I didn’t really know much about the kinkajou before the talk at the Long Island Game Farm. Turns out this endangered species is omnivorous and native to Central & South America. This fellow has apparently escaped his cage at night, and turned up on a neighbor’s porch, eating happily from her fruit tree.

People sometimes keep them as pets, which I didn’t know was legal here in the US. Apparently toilet or litter training them is not likely to happen. Ooh, boy.

The Kinkajou in the Cage
18 September 2007
Long Island Game Farm, Manorville, NY

The Goat at the Game Farm

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One of my favorite places to go in the summer is the Long Island Game Farm. I even had my 8th birthday party there! Walking around there is a great way to spend a day, from stretching your neck to see Gerry the Giraffe, to walking around in the deer enclosure, to feeding eager baby goats from a bottle. This little guy was one of the latter, and after he had dispensed with his meal, decided he had an inch to scratch.

The Goat at the Game Farm
18 September 2007
Long Island Game Farm, Manorville, NY